πŸ“• Node [[2022 03 05]]
An Agora node is made up of contributions whose topic matches the current location.
πŸ“„ 2022_03_05.md by @flancian οΈπŸ”— ✍️
πŸ“„ 2022-03-05.md by @neil οΈπŸ”— ✍️


πŸ“„ 2022-03-05.md by @maya

Today (and last night until 1 in the morning) I’m retheming my wiki! Is [[CSS]] a hobby?

I’ve used the same sort of peacockish theme for it for a couple years now — it’s time for something fresh. Particularly, it’s time for new [[fonts]]. Fern is still my favorite, but since I’m using that for the Agora I’m trying Simula, and Basteleur for headings. Having fun with Huemint, yet another color palette generation tool, haven’t settled on anything… Every time I do something in this space I learn, which is cool. I feel great affection for CSS, which is so different from how other people regard it…

Supposedly [[Matrix]] is getting proper native video calling soon. I’m both excited for that and dreading whatever kind of firewall changes will be necessary — our home network is Extremely Complicated, I am told.

A conversation in [[chat]] spurred me to feel sad about how little multimedia I put in my wiki. I am trying an abuse-of-[[nextcloud]] setup, and we’ll see how that works…

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