I always assumed that, when people dedicated their work, they all first finished the thing and then wrote the dedication. That would mean dedicating the (say) [book](https://anagora.org/book) as a finished object, something concrete that one has compiled or created and can then be offered with few reservations. Belatedly I've come to realize I'm not that kind of person, so I find myself dedicating a draft instead. Writing these lines as I write them now means dedicating a set of ideas first, and my clumsy implementation of these ideas second -- the latter amounting currently to little more than well meaning aspirations. It seems appropriate, then, to dedicate this fuzzy set of ideas and aspirations to a fuzzily defined group instead of a concrete list of individuals. To my [friends](https://anagora.org/friends). May you be happy! --- Flancia is a work of speculative fiction and associated praxis in the space of [protopias](https://anagora.org/protopia). It is by its very nature an eternal draft. Please excuse the many mistakes. Feel free to play [hopscotch](https://anagora.org/hopscotch)! 0 -- [Meta](/meta). 1 -- [Manifesto](/manifesto), or towards [Flancia](https://anagora.org/flancia). 2 -- [In Flancia there is an Agora](/agora). 3 -- [In Flancia there is no poverty](/poverty). 4 -- [In Flancia there is no privilege](/privilege). 5 -- [In Flancia we will one day meet](/one-day). 6 -- [In Flancia we share clear goals](/goals). 7 -- [Building Bridges](https://anagora.org/building-bridges). 8 -- [An Open Letter to an Open Society](https://anagora.org/open-letter-to-an-open-society). m -- [(The mine)](/mine) n -- [(Projects)](/projects) --- Look, [an Agora](https://anagora.org)!