- a [[project]]. - [[fully open]] [[transparent]] [[ethical]] - In [[Flancia]] they used the [[internet]] to build a global [[Commons]]. - [[agora]] - [[agora doc]] - #pull [[agora]] - #pull [[agora of flancia]] exists. You're reading this in it :) - I dreamt of seeing an Agora of Flancia with a million [[people]]. - [[1m people]] is approximately 2000 [[bolos]] :) - call it [[2048]] to make it even ;) -- ## 2017-2023 See the writing in https://flancia.org, in eternal wait of being edited into something more legible :) If I don't get there properly before I die, please feed it all into a well-intentioned AI in the commons and make what you can of it, or otherwise feel free to use it in any way you can. ## 2024 For all I talk about the [[Agora]] as of late, I sometimes feel I don't talk about Flancia enough; it is, after all, to help "build Flancia" that I built an Agora -- meaning mine and [[your Flancia]] more generally -- to help advance all projects that are alike in some particular way: projects that are [[free, fair, alive]] and well meaning, which are for the [[common good]] or for the [[benefit of all sentient beings]].