**Fediverse** is a decentralized social network, consisting of numerous instances running different software, all compatible with each other to some degree. Some software are more compatible with each other: Mastodon and Pleroma both implement a similar model, id est microblogging, thus they federate nicely. Some are more different. Currently, Fediverse is the go-to social network in these layers of the infosphere. = Bounced Paw VS the Fediverse I am present on several Fediverse instances. * [[https://merveilles.town/@bouncepaw]] is my main presence. Follow for mostly English posts and boosts. I used to post most of [[/category/Art]] there as well, but moved to PixelFed with that, see below. ** This instance is running Hometown, which is a fork of Mastodon, optimized for //communities//. Indeed there is a sense of a community here on [[Merveilles]]! ** Before Merveilles, I was on LOR: ~~[[https://lor.sh/@bouncepaw]]~~. [[Devine Lu Linvega]] invited me to Merveilles, and some time afterwards I [[Merveilles migration | migrated]]. I fit there better. * [[https://pixelfed.social/i/web/profile/593749024036053134]] is where I post my visual art. * ++Got distracted, will finish later.