πŸ“• Node [[2004 09 06 broadband telephone numbers]] exact match
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πŸ“„ _posts/archive/2004-09-06-broadband-telephone-numbers.md contributed by πŸ‘€ @bmann

layout: post title: Broadband Telephone Numbers created: 1094530819 categories: - VoIP

This morning Reuters is reporting that Ofcom has stated establish the code “056” for non-geographic UK Broadband telephone numbers. This follows the recent announcement of a similar assignment, the area code “050” for non-geographic Japanese Broadband telephone numbers.

It was real interesting to see Ofcom take this action. I’m wondering what country will be next in the delivery of a non-geographic VoIP broadband telephone numbers.

From a North American perspective, I would like to see some of the service providers representing the countries inside of country code 1 to get together and for "experimental" purposes only, request the reuse of the "500" area code (or something similar). Jeff Pulver blog: Time for North America to Start Experimenting with Broadband Telephone Numbers

Makes sense in an interim world where "broadband" numbers are second class citizens to "real" phone numbers.

Kate (who is looking for work in Vancouver in <acronym title="Human Resources">HR</acronym>) recently had some trouble with the <acronym title="Employment Insurance (in Canada)">EI</acronym> office — their system showed her calls from our Talkbroadband system as originating in Ontario, not BC. The investigating officer actually needed an email directly from Primus explaining their system so the case could be closed.

I can imagine quite a few other government agencies or BigCo’s that have trouble wrapping their minds around the concept of VoIP.

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