πŸ“• Node [[2004-04-27-thank-you-moveable-type]]
↳ πŸ““ Resource @bmann/2004 04 27 thank you moveable type
πŸ“„ 2004-04-27-thank-you-moveable-type.md by @bmann

layout: post title: Thank You, Moveable Type created: 1083049943 categories: - Personal Publishing

As a freelancer in the web before Movable Type, I got paid to make sites for clients. And make, I would. And I’d send them off into the world with a shiny new site made of html and attitude. And they’d come sailing right back every time they wanted to change something. Derek Powazek: Just a Thought: Thank You, Moveable Type

MT should be congratulated for making it easy to do personal publishing for everyone from individuals to businesses. Time spent mindlessly doing content updates can be applied to design, usability, and marketing.

See? I’m not just the MT sucks like Windows-guy.

(via Jeremy Zawodny’s linkblog)

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