πŸ“• Node [[2007-12-28-help-me-find-out-what-vegetables-and-fruit-are-in-season-when]]
↳ πŸ““ Resource @bmann/2007 12 28 help me find out what vegetables and fruit are in season when
πŸ“„ 2007-12-28-help-me-find-out-what-vegetables-and-fruit-are-in-season-when.md by @bmann

layout: post title: Help me find out what vegetables and fruit are in season when created: 1198894456 categories: - foodlikethat.com - Bowen Island - Personal - Food

Boqueteria and cooking with NowPublic - 21

I’m relaxing on Bowen for a couple of days and thinking about some fun little projects that I might be able to do. One idea I had was to get a list of in season produce for the Vancouver area, and then combine that list with pictures from Flickr and recipes to make a cool calendar. I wrote up what I found so far on my FoodLikeThat blog.

My funny joke is that meat, of course, is ALWAYS in season :P

Oh, and yes, I have been doing a ton of Christmas cooking, so I posted a partial list of what’s been cooked so far.

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