πŸ“• Node [[2019-01-01-flickr-exports-jekyll]]
↳ πŸ““ Resource @bmann/2019 01 01 flickr exports jekyll
πŸ“„ 2019-01-01-flickr-exports-jekyll.md by @bmann

Here’s the very simple code for my Flickr page:

<em>(Unsupported content elided by the Agora.)</em>
<em>(Unsupported content elided by the Agora.)</em>
<em>(Unsupported content elided by the Agora.)</em>
* Loops through all the photos_nnnnnn.json files in the _data/flickr folder
* Each is turned into an object "photo"
* The image original is hardcoded to be in the images/flickr folder
* BUG: Geo seems to be very off?
* BUG: license is "null" -- but on Flickr it's clearly CC
* TO DO:
  ** Tags
  ** Comments
  ** Groups
  ** Albums
<p><hr /></p>>
<em>(Unsupported content elided by the Agora.)</em>
<em>(Unsupported content elided by the Agora.)</em>

  <em>(Unsupported content elided by the Agora.)</em>
    <div class="{{ include.type | default: "list" }}__item">
      <article class="archive__item" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/CreativeWork">
        <h2>{{ photo.name }}</h2>
        <img src="/images/flickr/{{ photo.original | split: '/' | last }}" style="padding-top: 20px" />
        <p class="archive__item-title" itemprop="description">
        {{ photo.description | remove: "" | remove: "" }}<em>(Unsupported content elided by the Agora.)</em> @&nbsp;<span class="place"><a href="https://www.openstreetmap.org/search?query=#map=14/{{ photo.geo.latitude | divided_by: 1000000.00 }}/{{ photo.geo.longitude | divided_by: 1000000.00 }}">OpenStreetMap</a></span><em>(Unsupported content elided by the Agora.)</em>
        <p class="page__date"><strong><i class="fas fa-fw fa-calendar-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i>Photo Taken: </strong> <time datetime="{{ photo.date_taken | date_to_xmlschema }}">{{ photo.date_taken | date: "%B %d, %Y" }}</time>
  <em>(Unsupported content elided by the Agora.)</em>
<em>(Unsupported content elided by the Agora.)</em>
<em>(Unsupported content elided by the Agora.)</em>

And here’s an example photo JSON file. The original photo page this metadata is related to is still on Flickr here. Yes, that is a ton of EXIF data!

	"id": "2634391576",
	"name": "Killarney Lake",
	"description": "\n - Camera phone upload powered by <a href=\"http://www.shozu.com/?utm_source=upload&amp;utm_medium=graphic&amp;utm_campaign=upload_graphic/\" target=\"_newwindow\">ShoZu</a>",
	"count_views": "53",
	"count_faves": "0",
	"count_comments": "0",
	"date_taken": "2008-07-01 13:04:18",
	"count_tags": "1",
	"count_notes": "0",
	"date_imported": "2008-07-03 09:48:30",
	"photopage": "https://www.flickr.com/photos/boris/2634391576/",
	"original": "http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3008/2634391576_6ab6f1017f_o.jpg",
	"license": null,
	"geo": {
		"latitude": "49696401",
		"longitude": "-123159753",
		"accuracy": "15"
	"exif": {
		"IFD0:Orientation": {
			"full": "IFD0:Orientation",
			"label": "Orientation",
			"value": "Horizontal (normal)",
			"raw_value": "Horizontal (normal)"
		"IFD0:XResolution": {
			"full": "IFD0:XResolution",
			"label": "X-Resolution",
			"value": "300 dpi",
			"raw_value": "300"
		"IFD0:YResolution": {
			"full": "IFD0:YResolution",
			"label": "Y-Resolution",
			"value": "300 dpi",
			"raw_value": "300"
		"IFD0:YCbCrPositioning": {
			"full": "IFD0:YCbCrPositioning",
			"label": "YCbCr Positioning",
			"value": "Centered",
			"raw_value": "Centered"
		"ExifIFD:ExposureTime": {
			"full": "ExifIFD:ExposureTime",
			"label": "Exposure",
			"value": "0.005 sec (1/200)",
			"raw_value": "1/200"
		"ExifIFD:FNumber": {
			"full": "ExifIFD:FNumber",
			"label": "Aperture",
			"value": "f/3.5",
			"raw_value": "3.5"
		"ExifIFD:ISO": {
			"full": "ExifIFD:ISO",
			"label": "ISO Speed",
			"value": "20",
			"raw_value": "20"
		"ExifIFD:DateTimeOriginal": {
			"full": "ExifIFD:DateTimeOriginal",
			"label": "Date and Time (Original)",
			"value": "2008:07:01 13:04:18",
			"raw_value": "2008:07:01 13:04:18"
		"ExifIFD:CreateDate": {
			"full": "ExifIFD:CreateDate",
			"label": "Date and Time (Digitized)",
			"value": "2008:07:01 13:04:18",
			"raw_value": "2008:07:01 13:04:18"
		"ExifIFD:LightSource": {
			"full": "ExifIFD:LightSource",
			"label": "Light Source",
			"value": "Unknown",
			"raw_value": "Unknown"
		"ExifIFD:Flash": {
			"full": "ExifIFD:Flash",
			"label": "Flash",
			"value": "No Flash",
			"raw_value": "No Flash"
		"ExifIFD:FocalLength": {
			"full": "ExifIFD:FocalLength",
			"label": "Focal Length",
			"value": "4.7 mm",
			"raw_value": "4.7 mm"
		"ExifIFD:ColorSpace": {
			"full": "ExifIFD:ColorSpace",
			"label": "Color Space",
			"value": "sRGB",
			"raw_value": "sRGB"
		"ExifIFD:CustomRendered": {
			"full": "ExifIFD:CustomRendered",
			"label": "Custom Rendered",
			"value": "Normal",
			"raw_value": "Normal"
		"ExifIFD:ExposureMode": {
			"full": "ExifIFD:ExposureMode",
			"label": "Exposure Mode",
			"value": "Auto",
			"raw_value": "Auto"
		"ExifIFD:WhiteBalance": {
			"full": "ExifIFD:WhiteBalance",
			"label": "White Balance",
			"value": "Auto",
			"raw_value": "Auto"
		"ExifIFD:DigitalZoomRatio": {
			"full": "ExifIFD:DigitalZoomRatio",
			"label": "Digital Zoom Ratio",
			"value": "1",
			"raw_value": "1"
		"ExifIFD:SceneCaptureType": {
			"full": "ExifIFD:SceneCaptureType",
			"label": "Scene Capture Type",
			"value": "Standard",
			"raw_value": "Standard"
		"ExifIFD:GainControl": {
			"full": "ExifIFD:GainControl",
			"label": "Gain Control",
			"value": "None",
			"raw_value": "None"
		"IFD1:Compression": {
			"full": "IFD1:Compression",
			"label": "Compression",
			"value": "JPEG (old-style)",
			"raw_value": "JPEG (old-style)"
	"groups": [

	"albums": [

	"tags": [
			"tag": "ShoZu",
			"user": "https://www.flickr.com/photos/boris/",
			"date_create": "2008-07-03 09:48:30"
	"people": [

	"notes": [

	"privacy": "public",
	"comment_permissions": "any flickr member",
	"tagging_permissions": "people you follow",
	"safety": "safe",
	"comments": [


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