📕 Node [[2019-05-19-run-your-own-web-mentions]]
↳ 📓 Resource @bmann/2019 05 19 run your own web mentions
📄 2019-05-19-run-your-own-web-mentions.md by @bmann

I’m continuing down the road of adding Deploy to Heroku support to various apps, and using my site as a test case for [[IndieWeb]] stuff. I went down the rabbit hole today because infominer was looking at the Jekyll IndieWeb template, and I found @voxpelli’s WebMention’s server at voxpelli/webpage-webmentions.

I forked it bmann/webpage-webmentions and got Deploy to Heroku working by just adding an app.json.

This post is going to be for testing receiving webmentions. More writing / documentation to follow.

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