πŸ“• Node [[actor model]]
πŸ“„ actor-model.md by @neil οΈπŸ”— ✍️

Actor model

The actor model abstraction allows you to think about your code in terms of communication, not unlike the exchanges that occur between people in a large organization.

– How the Actor Model Meets the Needs of Modern, Distributed Systems β€’ Akka Doc…

The actor model is most applicable for only a certain set of problems, e.g. distributed systems. The actor model is likely overkill if your program does not need to be distributed. See e.g. https://clojure.org/about/state for good discussion.

πŸ“„ actor-model.md by @ryan

actor model

tags : [[programming]] [[programming paradigms]]

The actor model is a programming paradigm, like [[object-oriented programming]], wherein a network of actors communicate by sending messages to one another.

Each actor has a message queue, and communicate by sending messages back and forth asynchronously. Actors can create more actors as well as handle messages by updating their own state. This new state will be viewable to all future messages.

The actor model originated from the [[Erlang]] programming language.

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