📕 Node [[has this only been rolled out on mobile i don t see anything like this on the desktop site]]
📄 Has-this-only-been-rolled-out-on-mobile--I-don-t-see-anything-like-this-on-the-desktop-site.md by @enki

Has this only been rolled out on mobile? I don’t see anything like this on

the desktop site.

Has this only been rolled out on mobile? I don’t see anything like this on the desktop site.

By John Ohno on February 16, 2017.

[Canonical link](https://medium.com/@enkiv2/has-this-only-been-rolled-out-on- mobile-i-dont-see-anything-like-this-on-the-desktop-site-a9741febd81)

Exported from Medium on September 18, 2020.

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