πŸ“• Node [[ibm watson visual recognition api]] exact match
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πŸ“„ Artificial Intelligence/Computer Vision/Week2/IBM Watson Visual Recognition API.md contributed by πŸ‘€ @KGBicheno

IBM Watson Visual Recognition API

Watson Vs OpenCV

Slide - the differences between Watson and OpenCV


  • Set of APIs
  • Comes with pre-packaged models
    • Identity, faces, age, gender
    • Celebrities & food
  • Can create custom classifiers quickly
  • Not good for real-time video
  • Scalable, but expensive


  • Python package
  • Comes with pre-packaged modules
    • Faces, eyes
  • Can create custom classifiers, but with more difficulty
  • Can handle real-time videos
  • Learning curve
  • Bugs, but free

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