πŸ“• Node [[mycomarkup]] exact match
A node contains individual contributions with filenames matching the topic of the current Agora location. x
πŸ“„ mycomarkup.md contributed by πŸ‘€ @flancian οΈπŸ”— ✍️


πŸ“„ pages/mycomarkup.org contributed by πŸ‘€ @vera * https://mycorrhiza.wiki/help/en/mycomarkup * [[mycomarkup parser]] * supports [[mediawiki-style links]] *
πŸ“„ mycomarkup.myco contributed by πŸ‘€ @melanocarpa οΈπŸ”— ✍️

Mycomarkup is my take on how markups are to be made. It is the only markup supported in Mycorrhiza.

Historically, it is a descendant of Gemtext, with a big influence of Creole.

Read docs.

πŸ“„ mycomarkup.md contributed by πŸ‘€ @anagora@matrix.org
πŸ“„ Mycomarkup.md contributed by πŸ‘€ @anagora@matrix.org
  1. Change the storage medium to something based on [[SQLite]]

  2. Support more formats, including [[Mycomarkup]]

  3. Fetch through more media, not just [[Git]], but also parsing [[microformats]] and whatnot

  1. Change the storage medium to something based on [[SQLite]]

  2. Support more formats, including [[Mycomarkup]]

  3. Fetch subnodes through more media, not just [[Git]], but also parsing [[microformats]] and whatnot

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πŸ“• Node [[gemtext]] pulled by user