# Well-being and Motivation at work ## Motivation My priorities is this: - Joy: play, challenging tasks - Mastery: knowledge and information about what preceeded me, hitory of everything, planetary to family - Achievement: actually mymotivation diminishes as i come closer to achievment - Purpose: general political & ideological targets - Avoidance of danger for family Like working on new issues but echeving more when working in comfort zone, which reduces my total motivation (due to repetition) ## Success - Group 2: What defines Success? - Achieve satisfaction for all - Motivate and serve the others - Good collaboration & communication of feelings - Mutual understanding - Achieving milestones deadlines - Upskill growth for team members - Team gets promoted to a more chalenging task - Financial growth - Group 3: Com about com Which channels for what purpose, responsiveness, which tools, how to deal with urgences Focus time slots Team days Team agreements on all these aspects Digital morning coffee / stand up - Group 5: Design telcos beforehand group 5: meeting rules. use of chat, break-out rooms, whiteboards, agenda: time allocated by speaker and/or subject. meeting room according to the number of people present + necessary technology for those virtually. - Group 6: - UGLY: - Underestimate? - what has to Go? - what are we Loosing? - what are we Missing(???)?