--- type: tool tags: hass home my_IT --- # Home Assistant ## Done - [x] remote access - [x] FIX android access from within my WiFi! - [x] proxy with apache (although not SSL for local connections :-) - [x] Aqara-cube miss-registered: events missing!? NO - [x] Bluetooth tracker - [x] radio-stations in chromecasts: https://community.home-assistant.io/t/lovelace-chromecast-radio-jukebox/83867 ## TODO - [x] Install Containered: `apt install docker.io` - [ ] MQTT AddOn - [x] cron-job for letsencrypt - [ ] splitBrain DNS (AdGuard) to have a single hass-URL in browsers - [x] established WebPush html5 notifications - [x] test they run (mobile: ok, kudos: ??) - [x] Zigbee Gateway - [x] movement & window sensors - [x] presence: - [x] nmap: DONE, but may DRAIN BATTERIES! - [x] bt - [ ] integrate [my router]()https://github.com/ericpignet/home-assistant-tplink_router (needs development) - [ ] `sensor/platform: systemmonitor` @ `configuration.yaml` to watch raspberry - [x] integrate Tonia - [x] account, 2FA - [x] hass-app - [ ] fix missed updates - [x] ONVIF camera, - [x] PTZ: https://github.com/Gowresh7/V380_Python eventually fixed when upgraded to hass-2021.6.4 (or was never broken!) and added PTZ card from WebRTC: https://pythonrepo.com/repo/AlexxIT-WebRTC-python-video - [ ] Sound Tx/Rx - [ ] block chinese servers - [x] install floor map HACS component - [ ] produce map with sweethome3d-furniture-nonfree - [ ] link css with entities - [x] hass-integrate UPS: simply with apcusp "manual" integration - [-] replace `acpcupsd` with `nut` server: NO, hass-integration works - [-] develop own `acpcupsd` integration (based on https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/apcupsd/) - [x] fixed mismatched entities: maxlinev--->HITRANS, minlinev-->LOTRANS, outputv, LASTXFER, NUMXFERS, BATTV - [ ] DEV: new UPS device, to attach all its entities - [ ] integrate [Syncthing](https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/syncthing/) - Automation rules: - [x] battery-low sensors (from blueprints) - [ ] Alarm!! - [x] zone enter/leave do not trigger with groups- groups miss GPS - [x] cube light & radio integrations - [x] motion-light override - [ ] DIMMING lights with Aqara switch v1: - Google search: `+home-assistant aqara push button dimmer` - node about - [ ] 2017 [Finally - a cheap WIRELESS switch that dims! Xiaomi Switch Gen1 ](https://community.home-assistant.io/t/finally-a-cheap-wireless-switch-that-dims-xiaomi-switch-gen1/27574) - Asking for [Increase and Decrease Brightness with ONE button of a switch](https://community.home-assistant.io/t/increase-and-decrease-brightness-with-one-button-of-a-switch/182954) - [ ] 2020 Apr [blog about a useful dimming script](https://siytek.com/home-assistant-push-button-dimmer/) - [ ] 2019 Jan [Using a Xiaomi Round Button as a dimmer switch with AppDaemon](https://community.home-assistant.io/t/using-a-xiaomi-round-button-as-a-dimmer-switch/93822) - [ ] 2017 [Xiaomi hold implementation](https://community.home-assistant.io/t/xiaomi-hold-implementation/14000) - [ ] 2021 Jan [single button on/off dim switch blueprint](https://community.home-assistant.io/t/single-button-on-off-dim-switch/265586/7) - [ ] 2021 Sep [Dimmer for Aqara buttons (1st gen)](https://community.home-assistant.io/t/dimmer-for-aqara-buttons-1st-gen/341923) - [ ] DEV: keybase integration - [ ] install [AppDaemon](https://appdaemon.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html) - [ ] Install VSCode for Hass - [-] [VSCode-server on raspi through docker-mod?](https://community.home-assistant.io/t/install-vscode-visual-studio-code-as-a-separate-docker-container/166007/20) - [x] VSCode in my laptop+[shared SSHFS](https://community.home-assistant.io/t/solved-a-way-to-share-config-folder-over-nfs-on-hassio/100642/3?u=ankostis) NOTE: must chgrp all root-files to edit! - [ ] VSCode in my laptop+[shared NFS](https://pimylifeup.com/raspberry-pi-nfs/) - [Docker-compose files](https://www.wouterbulten.nl/blog/tech/home-automation-setup-docker-compose/#appdaemon) for - [ ] AppDaemon - [ ] VSCode - [ ] Node-RED - [ ] [Central heating Heat meters googling](https://www.google.com/search?q=impeller+type+heat+meter+zigbee&oq=impeller+type+heat+meter+zigbee&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIGCAEQLhhA0gEIMzQ4NGowajSoAgCwAgA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) ## CO2 sensors NDIR sensors only - [ZN-P8](https://gr.banggood.com/ZN-P8-Digital-CO2-Gas-Analyzer-400-5000ppm-Air-Quality-Monitor-NDIR-Infrared-Detection-Gas-Detector-with-Temperature-Humidity-Display-p-1925086.html): - portable - USB-C - no connectivity :-( - 35.19€ (Banggood) - 1200mAh, 44h!! - [Φορητός ανιχνευτής CO2 5 σε 1 ποιότητας αέρα](https://gr.banggood.com/5-In-1-Portable-CO2-Detector-Air-Quality-Detector-Intelligent-Air-Detector-Temperature-and-Humidity-Sensor-Tester-Carbon-Dioxide-Monitor-TVOC-Formaldehyde-Detection-HCHO-Detector-p-1802125.html) - portable - [bluetooth!](https://gr.banggood.com/5-In-1-bluetooth-Connected-Carbon-Dioxide-Detector-for-Detecting-TVOC-Formaldehyde-Concentrated-Air-Quality-Temperature-Humidity-CO-p-1880814.html?cur_warehouse=CN&ID=6287845&rmmds=search) - 26.39€ (Banggood) - 1500mAh, 6h - [The AirGradient DIY Air Quality Sensor](https://www.airgradient.com/diy/) - ~80e - ESP (WiFi) - [High quality ALL-AIR for school](https://www.elitecheu.com/products/temtop-p1000-air-quality-monitor) - PM 2.5 & 10 - 6000mh/6h - 7.3inch display - [DIY Zigbee USB CO2 meter](https://diyruz.github.io/posts/airsense/) ## Clima - [Q: Set timer duration with GUI](https://community.home-assistant.io/t/timer-duration-from-lovelace-ui/308469) - [another Q](https://community.home-assistant.io/t/start-a-timer-with-a-given-number-of-minutes-dynamic-duration/300625) ## HACS ```bash raspanki: $ ls -1 /etc/srv/hass/{custom_components,www/community}/ /etc/srv/hass/custom_components/: hacs ipmi ll_notify mass midea_ac_lan monitor_docker proxmoxve scheduler webrtc xiaomi_miot /etc/srv/hass/www/community/: battery-state-card home-assistant-jukebox kiosk-mode lovelace-card-templater lovelace-layout-card lovelace-mushroom lovelace-plotly-graph-card scheduler-card timer-bar-card ```