--- date: 2020-09-28 --- The tiny mention of [[Simply Jekyll]] in [yesterday's journal]({% link _logs/2020-09-27-journal.md %}) turned into pouring all of my content into that template instead. Since I had to go into [[Cloudflare]] to update the IPNS link[[Documented in the Fission Guide::rsn]], I fixed my blog SSL issue. `blog.bmannconsulting.com` is still running on Netlify, and something with the Netlify certificate and the Cloudflare stuff changed. Cloudflare lets you generate certs, and [this blog post tells you what to paste into Netlify's third field](https://blog.millerti.me/2019/01/20/using-cloudflare-ssl-certificates-with-your-netlify-site/). I suspect editing the IPNS will mean that Cloudflare will mostly hang on to the cache for 6 hours or so. I [voted for the purge cache for Cloudflare IPFS Gateway on their community forum](https://community.cloudflare.com/t/add-purge-cache-button-for-ipns-cloudflare-ipfs-com-part-ii/67638). I need to do some more work on how Journal posts like this one work. --- Co-op and B-Corps structures are supposed to prevent this sort of thing. @jonrshell posts a thread covering the background of people soon to be in charge of MEC: > Short version: [[@MEC::https://twitter.com/MEC]] to be run by three middle-aged white men: a mediocre-at-best American investor, an out-of-work grocery CEO and a COO who might never have managed a store and runs a guns-and-testosterone shoe brand. This should go well! > [[jonrshell::https://twitter.com/jonrshell/status/1310600995928498178?s=20]]