--- title: Oct 5, 2020 date: 2020-10-05 category: Journal --- Great lunch with @allbombs. He reminded me about the show [[Halt and Catch Fire]], which many people have told me about but I haven't watched yet. Rather than doom scrolling for an hour, I am going to try and watch an episode before bed to chill out. Flat tire afterwards was less great. I've actually had a number of flats with my [[Radrunner]]. This time, I found the shard of rock or ceramic and it punctured the outer tire tread all the way to the inner tube. I forced it in with a screwdriver and was able to partially inflate the tire. Found out about [Lodash Style Issue Management](https://talk.fission.codes/t/lodash-style-issue-management/1085) while doing some research on trying out [[Ghost]] as a backend for [[Eleventy]]:

Turns out @jdalton uses closed issues as part of his workflow:
Feature requests are closed issues with 'feature' label and `votes needed` label, and a Thumbs up emoji reaction
Bugs are open issues tagged with 'bug' label

— Sam Selikoff (@samselikoff) May 1, 2018