--- date: 2021-02-13 2021-02-13T18:47:56.900-08:00 --- Starting last night, I seriously started using my new [[reMarkable]] paper tablet. I read @arcalinea's [[Decentralized Social Ecosystem Review]] and highlighted sections and scribbled notes on it. Then, this morning, [as I posted](https://blog.bmannconsulting.com/2021/02/13/sitting-at-the.html), I wrote out 6 pages of a blog post at the breakfast table, my [[Drop in Audio]] post. Lots of [questions in the Twitter thread](https://twitter.com/bmann/status/1360652606612385801), which I'll capture on the [[reMarkable]] notes page, also where I'll add other things I find out about over time. --- Did a bunch of [[Moa Party]] writing to capture some discussions happening in Matrix. I'm excited for the [[Git Siphon for Moa Party]] feature I wrote up. I also bought `moaparty.com`. Nothing there right now, I guess I should at least do a redirect or something. It might be the root domain for running an experimental [[Mastodon]] / [[ActivityPub]] server of some kind for [[FedStoa]] experiments with @flancian and friends.