--- title: WalletConf --- _aka Web3 UX Unconference_ May [[2018]] in [[Toronto]] alongside [[EDCon]]. I attended and as part of it joined the [[EthMagicians]] and helped [write up the conference notes](https://ethereum-magicians.org/t/thoughts-and-findings-from-the-web3-uxunconf/311). I should probably import my WalletConf tweetstorm here to this page, I'll start by embedding [ThreadReaderApp](https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/993122341763928064.html):
Thread by @bmann: "Getting started with -- UX discussions around wallets and crypto broadly. First up, @tomcreighton kicking off. Where does UX com […]" #walletconf #erc780 #erc1056 #buidl