--- layout: post title: Can you say "maps for everyone"? created: 1120427555 categories: - Web Development - Web 2.0 ---

Josh Peterson compares and contrasts attitudes towards using their maps at Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft.

Let's do a little summary (but go read Josh's post for the note of incredulity and the links to some of these things):

If I were a commercial entity relying on mapping, I would actually want to pay Google (or whomever) to ensure service and support. But if I had the flexibility to decide for myself to NOT pay, and still get great service (or "good enough", given my business model, risk tolerance, etc.)...well, yeah, that's the option I would pick.

Update: this network link connection to Google Earth is almost enough incentive to rush out and buy a Windows machine to run Google Earth on. Yes, I just blew my own mind.

BTW, one of Josh's 43 Places users put together a Greasemonkey script that adds Google Maps to 43 places.