# Architecture [following this suggestion](https://matklad.github.io//2021/02/06/ARCHITECTURE.md.html) everything is centered around a MongoDB Database ## web instance ### Techno #### PHP framework Yii WE are still using php 5.6 php7 will be set up first semester 2021 We still need to switch to Yii 2 it's in progress #### javascriptJ we still use the good old [Jquery](https://jquery.com/) et des centaines de pluggins web /pixelhumain/ph/plugins #### MongoDB We chose a No SQL database for it's simplicity et mutability our schemas evolve permenantly and almost dynamically the whole system is in the end à huge collection of well organised JSON documents We try to follow as much as possible common object standards from [schema.org](https://schema.org/docs/full.html) ## hébergement OVH instance type de serveur ## stockage BDD instance type de serveur ## schema de BDD ## costum : personnalisde integrated instance > json configs, specific designs use CO and personnalize freely connect it to your own DNS show only the data of your community while continuing to contribute to a common Database ## COmobi > NodeJs, Meteor, CO.api, MongoDB https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.communecter.mobile&hl=en_US ## Oceco Mobi > NodeJs, Meteor, CO.api, MongoDB https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.communecter.oceco&hl=fr ## Usage de systeme externe et interopérabilité nominatim > overpass API api-addresse.data.gouv.fr mediawiki gitlab ## Features Technical documentation ### [COstum](./07 - COstum/costum.md) ### [CMS](./04 - Documentation technique/cmsEngine.md) [autre](./07 - COstum/CMS - Templates Blocks.md) ### [COforms](./08 - COForms/coforms Tech.md) ### [SearchObj](./04 - Documentation technique/process/search.md) ### [mapObj](./04 - Documentation technique/process/mapObj.md) ## Hebergement des COTOOLS