--- title: Welcome to my digital garden! --- ## What is a digital garden? It's a proof of how much technology dominated our lives, that's for sure. [Francis Bacon](https://www.gutenberg.org/files/46964/46964-h/46964-h.htm), the philosopher and not the artist, understood gardens as something divine, “without which, buildings or palaces are but gross handy-works”; gardens were first planted by God itself. Well, digital gardening is nothing short of divine, and as always it is paired with a human side. Here you'll find notes, concepts, thoughts, writings and more. Be welcome. ## Content Lists If you prefer browsing the contents of this site through a list instead of a graph, you can find content lists here too: ## Troubleshooting - 🚧 [Troubleshooting and FAQ](notes/troubleshooting.md) - 🐛 [Submit an Issue](https://github.com/jackyzha0/quartz/issues) - 👀 [Discord Community](https://discord.gg/cRFFHYye7t)