# Are you familiar with the concept of “transpointing windows”? Conceptually it’s similar to what you’ve done with hyperlinks here (and it’s part of early conceptions of hypertext — being an important… * * * Are you familiar with the concept of “transpointing windows”? Conceptually it’s similar to what you’ve done with hyperlinks here (and it’s part of early conceptions of hypertext — being an important part of Xanadu, though not Memex). Basically, you have some n corpora, in windows or columns, and associated sections are highlighted and then connected with a line or a rhombus; when a highlighted section is selected, associated sections in other windows scroll to align to it. (There’s a little more complexity: highlighted sections can overlap, and you can have connections to multiple non-contiguous sections of the same corpus, both of which present problems that make UI behavior necessarily less obvious.) By [John Ohno](https://medium.com/@enkiv2) on [November 20, 2017](https://medium.com/p/50dc73bd931e). [Canonical link](https://medium.com/@enkiv2/are-you-familiar-with-the-concept- of-transpointing-windows-50dc73bd931e) Exported from [Medium](https://medium.com) on September 18, 2020.