# One peeve I have with this analysis is: even if you consider a dysfunctional government to be… * * * One peeve I have with this analysis is: even if you consider a dysfunctional government to be similar to a dysfunctional corporation, Trump is not a skilled businessman: he just plays one on TV. For all her past failures, Florina has a better record in that regard. By [John Ohno](https://medium.com/@enkiv2) on [December 17, 2015](https://medium.com/p/c5ec437678ea). [Canonical link](https://medium.com/@enkiv2/one-peeve-i-have-with-this- analysis-is-even-if-you-consider-a-dysfunctional-government-to- be-c5ec437678ea) Exported from [Medium](https://medium.com) on September 18, 2020.