- Start Date: 2022-01-23 - Implementation PR: (leave this empty) - Evans sanity spiral 2/4 # Summary This RFC adds two new components to astro, `Raw`, and `Escaped`. Both are frontends for existing or to be implemented features # Example ```html <>>>><< {let i = 5;} ``` gets compiled to ``` <>>>><< {let i = 5;} ``` --- ```html


``` gets compiled to ``` <h1>Yo!</h1> ``` # Motivation This makes two astro features more easily accessible. # Detailed design ## Raw - Frontend component for `astro-data-raw` - Blocked by compiler/#263 ## Escaped * Frontend component for https://github.com/withastro/rfcs/blob/main/active-rfcs/0000-set-html.md * Unimplemented RFC * Possibly possible by using some nifty javascript # Drawbacks - Adds uneeded complexity - Not really needed # Alternatives Just don't do it. # Unresolved questions Is `Escaped` possible using frontmatter? --- Incredibly high quality RFC I know.