# 2020-10-14 - [[Agora v0.5]]: publishing - [ ] I still have the problem that gatsby-digital-garden does not play well with having notes in many different paths. I should fix it or look elsewhere? - Alternative: https://github.com/yenly/foamy-nextjs - [ ] Another problem: some pages aren't found. - [[Stephen Wolfram]] is found. - [[X]] is not (what is X?) - published just my digital garden to https://anagora.org for now. - Probably need to learn [[Gatsby]] proper today, or part of it. Go through a tutorial? - Read about underlying technologies: [[React]], [[GraphQL]] - Perhaps should at least check out the [[React]] docs as well. - [ ] I'd like to cook [[Baingan Bharta]]. - https://www.cookwithmanali.com/baingan-bharta/ - [x] I need to order more coffee - [x] [[Utopia Coffee]] - Started recording a [[podcast]] in [[anchor.fm]], recommended by [[meshachthomit is a bit clunky, if only because it is actually an extension for a text editor, vscode.as]]. - I'm really unclear at this point on whether Foam likes filenames-with-dashes or "Filenames Just as the Title". - Met [[scottjoe]] on [[foam]] [[discord]]. He's also doing multi-workspaces, calls them 'bottles': https://github.com/scott-joe/foam--workspace. - [[mathieudutour]]