# 2020-10-16 - Made a new pager sound: https://twitter.com/flancian/status/1317044663354904576, go link: flancia.org/go/cradles-ringstone. - [[L.]] brought up the [[Agora for students]] ([[Agora profiles]]). - Note taking is of course crucial for students. Most notes go to waste now, unfortunately. - Same goes for class presentations, papers. The Agora could work as a link repository to binary files hosted elsewhere on the internet. - Cluster nodes: classes. - Other possible [[Agora profiles]]: [[Agora for researchers]], [[Agora for professionals]] - Asked about [[Category theory]] on Twitter: https://twitter.com/flancian/status/1317010489210228736 - [[codex]] suggested [[Category Theory for Programmers]]: flancia.org/go/category-theory-for-programmers - [[crossslide]] suggested [[Conceptual Mathematics]]: https://bookshop.org/books/conceptual-mathematics/ò - [[encincovoy]] pointed out a Spanish edition: https://www.amazon.es/Matem%C3%A1ticas-conceptuales-primera-introducci%C3%B3n-categor%C3%ADas/dp/9682323916 - [[alanlaidlaw]] recommended: - https://twitter.com/alanlaidlaw/status/1317179462774149125 [[category theory in life]] - https://twitter.com/alanlaidlaw/status/1317179549772283906 [[what is category theory]] - [[meschaschthomas]] killed it: https://twitter.com/meshachthomas/status/1317079078478913538 - [[codex]] too as per usual, recommended flancia.org/go/standoff-properties - https://notes.knowledgefutures.org/pub/belji1gd/release/2 [[What is a Distributed Knowledge Graph]] recommended by [[metasj]] - Great conversations / interactions with [[encincovoy]], [[paleoludic]], [[sysid_ace]], [[codexeditor]], [[abstractfairy]], [[steven-fan]], [[ding-levery]], [[yakomo]]. - Watched [[the revolution will be annotated]] by [[dan-whaley]]: https://twitter.com/flancian/status/1317127804413218818. - Worked on [[roam-likes]], [[agora howto]]. Got them both to sort-of-usable state, I think, in particular the first