# 2020-10-18 - Started the day with a clear [[todo]], although on paper -- my digital [[todo]] still tends to diverge. Need to think about how to solve that... later though :) - [[self-organizing intelligent matter]] https://openreview.net/forum?id=160xFQdp7HR as posted by [[maxjaderberg]]: https://twitter.com/maxjaderberg/status/1314208851667808256 - Get back to [[dan-whaley]] (email). I drafted my response but didn't send it yet. - Got back to [[yakomo]] -- I spaced out for a bit, unfortunately. I need to review my scheduling. - Struggled to remember the name of [[Moravec's paradox]] again. Wanted to say "Morley's" for some reason. Moravec sounds more like my name, so perhaps I can use that to remember it. - Worked on [[Agora howto]] further. - [[self-obituary]]: https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/theithacajournal/obituary.aspx?n=michael-morley&pid=196956713 - [[mmmalign]] yesterday: "all links on twitter, however short or long, count as 23 characters" https://twitter.com/MMMalign/status/1317450885627334656 - Read a message by [[Steven Fan]] on [[procrastination]] and [[mattgoldenberg]]'s workshop. Steven mentioned [[logging]] as a strategy; also recommended by https://hbr.org/2017/10/5-research-based-strategies-for-overcoming-procrastination. - [[ablueaeshna]] recommended the [[Dahlem botanical gardens]] in [[Berlin]]: https://twitter.com/ablueaeshna/status/1317854688331661312 - [[museical]] asked about [[logseq]]. - Tried [[logseq]] today. It is git-based! The setup experience was simple. Interesting.