# 2020-11-17 - [[2020-11-16]] was productive! I'm glad. - Tested [[roam2agora]]. Works great! Two possible improvements: - Always print the number of pages processes and pages selected for publication. - Add a flag to default to public. - [x] Remind [[s5bug]] about https://twitter.com/s5bug/status/1328475640954200066 - [[twitter agora integration]]: auto convert tweets to embeds - [[roam2agora]] perhaps could use https://twitter.com/RoamResearch/status/1236142937051762688 ## Planned - [[agora plan]] after 19.30. - Perhaps work on making it easier for people using [[roam2agora]] to submit their gardens to the Agora. - Perhaps work on auto-embedding tweets, see [[agora twitter integration]]. - Sync flancia.org go links setup -> anagora.org, thus bootstrapping anagora.org go links.