# 2020-11-28 - Picture of the day: a nice looking [[flan]], courtesy of [[james baker]]. - [x] Met with [[armengolaltayo]]. - [x] Met with [[olofl]]. - Received first PR to [[agora server]] ever! By [[arghzero]]: https://github.com/flancian/agora-server/pull/1/files - [[twitter]] https://twitter.com/flancian/status/1332719030600429571 - [ ] add ideas/contacts/threads to node with [[james baker]]. - [ ] read about [[game b]] - Pursue [[agora plan]]. - Pursue [[roam2agora]] for [[athens research]]. - Spoke to [[jeff tang]] about it. - Thought about [[Getting Things Done]]. - Met [[boris mann]] on [[mastodon]]. - [[neil]] introduced me to [[bill seitz]]. - Updated: [[flancian]], [[flancians]], [[contract]]. - [[revolution]]. - Learnt the term [[front matter]] from [[armengolaltayo]]. - [[G. I.]] -> [[G.]] - [[threadapalooza]] on [[2020-12-15]]: https://twitter.com/AGWilsonn/status/1332753604575457282 - [[next action]] fix [[kgbicheno]]'s garden