# 2021-01-24 - [[push]] [[keyoxide]] wants to be [[open source]] [[keybase]] - [[push]] [[zulip]] [[matrix]] - [[zulip matrix bridge]] - [[foam]] stopped autocompleting [[wikilinks]] a while ago and it's annoying, need to file a bug report. - Triggering intellisense (ctrl+space) works around this -- perhaps it's better this way even? - [[agora bridge]] - [[gphotos uploader cli]] - [[vera]] told me about [[dokieli]] - [[flaneur]] - [[agoreans]] - [[markdown links]] - [[riccardo ferretti]] - [[riccardo]] - [[frank lloyd wright]] [[synagogue]]: https://twitter.com/DrewCoffman/status/1353384939899654145 - [[push]] [[agora plan]] - [[prioritized]] https://pinafore.social/statuses/105611876863194013, supporting links of the type [[user/node]]. - [[@flancian/readme]] - [[readme@flancian]] - [[done]] - [[user mentions]] - [[@flancian]] should be like [[flancian]] plus [[readme]]. - [[prioritize]] - [[push]] [[grabador]] primer uso antropológico: https://www.amazon.de/-/en/Oscar-Lewis-ebook/dp/B004G60G0I/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=oscar+lewis+s%C3%A1nchez&qid=1611510026&sr=8-1 - [[push]] [[utopia]] según [[ursula k. leguin]]: https://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/suplementos/las12/13-1316-2004-07-09.html - [[thrive]] - [[isoperimetric inequality]] - [[social coop]] - [[socialcoop]] - [[node permutations]] - [[itertools]]