# Monday, April 5, 2021 - [[flancia]] - [[flagcia]] - [[flaccia]] - [[opus populi]] - [[hack the planet]] - [[cringe]] - [[johnny mnemonic]] - [[beefsteak]] - [[python type annotations]] - [[merveilles]] - [[hometown]] is a [[mastodon]] fork: https://trello.com/c/OT2MpJFB/19-investigate-hometown-migration - [[done]] - fixed trailing spaces in [[agora search]] - [[agora server]] - I should review [[github slugify]] and see if I can just adopt it instead of the hack in [[util.py]] - I should locate [[auto push]] and [[auto pull]] in [[do]] and estimate when I will get to them. - [[music]] - [[bill evans]] - [[conversations with myself]] We spent the sunny weekend outide beautifully. Now it's the time to [[do]].