- [[done]] - started on slide deck for [[i annotate]] - installed [[web ext]], used `web-ext run` once and I already like it - cleaned garbage cans - did laundry - welcomed friend - pomodoro - 18:21 - [[hack firefox]] - [[web ext]] - [[love]] - [[argdown]] - [[social coop]] - [[social coop meeting notes]] https://pad.disroot.org/p/Social.Coop_Strategy_Summit_%231?utm_source=discussion_mailer&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=new_discussion - I didn't go to this meeting but I'm glad I found the notes, and it seems [[neil]] was there! Problem: no matter what I do, I always seem to end up with 400+ tabs and no good procedure to garbage collect. I want [[tabfs]] to be part of the solution here, as it lets you run things like `rm *Twitter*`, but for some reason it stopped working again for me. So now I need to decide whether to invest time in getting it working again or doing more manual work; I seem to get one or two of these decisions a day as of late. Things can always be improved. Thought: security and hackability are in tension. Security can be used as an excuse to reduce hackability; you could call that "appeal to security". It can work a bit like "think of the children" -- and, like it, sometimes it makes sense and sometimes it doesn't.