# 2022-01 - [[pull]] [[january 2022]] - [[agora]] - [[yoga with x]] - [[gitea]] - [[matrix]] - [[discord bridge]] - [[matrix bot]] - [[hypothesis]] - [[repository attribution]] - [[read]] - [[free, fair and alive]] - [[the universe in a single atom]] - [[the big picture]] - [[eleanor janega]] - [[write]] - [[flancia]] (see pushes!) - [[knowledge commons]] - [[burning chrome]] - chromium? - [[monks in space]] - [[las aventuras de lurup y burupardo]] - [[meditation practice]] - the [[simulation]], or on generators of [[qualia]] - [[facets of the revolution]] - [[next actions]] - [ ] fix edit link for stoa subnodes / gardens with edit - [ ] fix latest links - [ ] nodes with spaces - [ ] also link to node - [ ] open bug for docker so people can grab if wanted - [ ] start matrix bot - [ ] import whole threads - [ ] refactor bot logic - [ ] improve - [ ] make foam / other image embeds in Markdown work - [ ] collect from journal entries - [ ] collect from [[agora plan]] - [ ] collect from [[do]] - [[push]] [[2022-02]] - [[docker]] - replicate from backups? - [[monitoring]] and alerting (is this really happening? :) - [[map of the fediverse]] - [[gallery mode]]? - [[quote toot]]? - [[activitypub]] in the Agora?