- Back in [[silverbullet]], now using it as a 'web app' -- meaning after pressing 'install' on chromium while visiting edit.anagora.org :) - For now edit.anagora.org only works for this [[flancian]], but I hope soon enough I will be able to offer it to the community. - Intend I intend to keep using [[wiki vim]] though, as I value having a terminal client for writing in the Agora - Experimented with a bluetooth keyboard on mobile as a way of having more fluid Agora editing on the go. - Tried [[silverbullet]] in firefox mobile and vim mode didn't quite work :) - Also my hardware keyboard is set up to have esc go to the android home screen, which does not go well with vim mode ;) - Update: realized I can set the keyboard to [[windows mode]] and it will disable most of what I consider intrusive functionality :) - Still the prospect of having a fully featured Agora editor on mobile is thrilling! - [[agora discuss]]: [[neil]] suggested [[web mentions]] as the ground level on which to build [[agora likes]]. - I agree it's an interesting approach; it seems complementary to [[activity pub]] support which I've already started working on, inspired by [[bouncepaw]]'s work on [[betula]]. - The basic abstraction might be: the Agora publishes, and produces, feeds of social activity in different formats. Their states influence UI elements like emoji reactions and a log of activity. - A few hours later... - [[Winti Tap Jam]]: - I'm in [[Winterthur]] in a [[tap dance]] event, against my expectations enjoying it quite a bit! The [[jazz band]] is great, and I didn't know people could dance like this while interacting with an improvising band. It's really quite cool. - With [[AG]] and [[Nushya]]! - Really enjoying [[noding from mobile]] quite a bit, it encourages [[live noding]]. - [[open letters]]