- Back in the Agora, back in Flancia :) - The visit from [[Berni]] and the birthday of [[AG]] were beautiful. - Now enjoying the rest of the [[week off]]: - catching up with housework (deep cleaning mode!) - catching up with messages and letters - reading and writing invites - doing writing in general - and [[flow]]! - Did some [[maintenance]] of home and computer setup; converged more [[wayland]] related configs after incorporating a new computer into my [[chezmoi]] setup and doing and taking the occasion to do an interation of improvements. - I dropped some templates for reduced complexity, e.g. [[sway.conf]]. - My computers in this system are currently: - [[paramita]] (personal) - [[nostromo]] (personal) - [[sariputta]] - [[guanyin]] - [[go/flow/12]] was great, one of my [[favorites]]