# Arghzero - a [[person]]. - [[friend]] - [[twitter]] https://twitter.com/arghzero - Self described [[enthusiastic]] [[nerd]] :) - Coded a [[roam exporter]]! [[roam2agora]] - As of [[2022-06]] working on [[knovigator]]. - Forked [[athens]]! - [[2022-07-13]] - [[google]] - [[us]] - [[machine learning]] - resource needs for state of the art might be bad news for [[open source]] - [[federated learning]] could help here - [[federation]] vs [[incumbents]] - [[ux]] problem - could be solved with: - [[funding]] - investing in *few* good clients that can connect to many networks - [[federated corpus]] ~ [[agora]] - [[apple]] - the amount of hoops you have to jump through to release something on the [[app store]] - 30% - what happens when gpt started being trained on gpt generated text that got into the corpus? - [[browser parrot]] - [[counter anti disintermediation]] - [[commons]] - how to prevent [[enclosure]]? - [[project snapshot]]