# compost - a [[magazine]]. - [[go]] https://compost.digital - [[2]] https://two.compost.digital/foreword/ - [[commons]] is short for [[commons post]] - [[quote]] we’re a magazine that publishes creative works reflecting on the web as a digital commons. It’s a project to create space for us to dream; to build a small corner of the web that’s built on care and solidarity. In our first issue, we explored fertile spaces for authentic connection and tenderness, among the banal constraints of the digital networks that we find ourselves trapped in. - [[playlist]] https://open.spotify.com/playlist/56WzY7sqD3bVr2CwMWTTgI - [[contributing]] https://github.com/hyphacoop/distributed-press-organizing/wiki/Contributing-to-COMPOST#how-to-pitch-to-compost