# edit - #pull https://edit.anagora.org - an [[action]]. - in the [[Agora]]: - I am trying to run an easy-to-use [[agora editor]] as a community service for people to [[edit the Agora]] if they don't currently have another host. As of the time of writing, I'm using [[silverbullet]]: - If this Agora is correctly set up, you should see an Agora editor above :) - an [[action]]. - in [[real life]] :) - I want to execute it at least [[weekly]]. - I've been failing *hard* at this, now trying to come up with a [[plan]]. - [[push]] [[do]] - NOW open flancia.org in a designated tile now and start reading :LOGBOOK: CLOCK: [2022-03-26 Sat 18:42:57] :END: - post progress to - [[thread]] https://social.coop/@flancian/108023246863400996 - open [[book]] in a designated tile now and choose one section - this was the wrong first step :) - DONE the right first step was: get [[flancia repo]] / [[become dorcas]] :LOGBOOK: CLOCK: [2022-03-26 Sat 18:42:20]--[2022-03-26 Sat 18:42:20] => 00:00:00 :END: - also site > book at this point, it's the entry point to the whole thing! people surely stumble onto flancia.org and then *actually read it* as is :) - a [[journal]] - that I try to keep while editing - [[pull]] [[pushes]] - [[2021-01-07]] - [[meta]] what I could implement as a way of setting up [[reinforcement loops]] could help here: push dates (future) to actions, then write in the target context (the action) as a log that 'acks' the incoming pushes -- or don't, and they'll show up as unfulfilled. - [[2022-03-26]] - [[meta]] wow, I can't believe it's been [[more than a year]] since I wrote that I needed to edit more, then proceeded not to edit. - just run [[editing]]