# Fediverse - [[go]] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fediverse - [[quote]] The Fediverse (a portmanteau of "[[federation]]" and "[[universe]]") is an ensemble of [[federated]] (i.e. interconnected) servers that are used for web publishing (i.e. [[social networking]], [[microblogging]], [[blogging]], or [[websites]]) and file hosting, but which, while independently hosted, can communicate with each other. On different servers (instances), users can create so-called [[identities]]. These identities are able to communicate over the boundaries of the instances because the software running on the servers supports one or more [[communication protocols]] which follow an open standard. - The [[agora]] tries to be a prosocial member of the fediverse. - It will implement [[activitypub]] or whichever open protocol is necessary. - It will offer up [[agora protocol]] to the ecosystem or whichever open protocol is useful to others. - [[platforms]] - [[pull]] [[mastodon]] [[friendica]] [[diaspora]] [[peertube]] - [[protocols]] - [[pull]] [[activitypub]] [[diaspora]] - I use [[mastodon]] through the [[tusky]], [[pinafore]] and [[social.coop]] interfaces. - I'm interested in learning more about [[pleroma]]. - I wonder if the [[fediverse]] name can work for a wide audience: https://twitter.com/flancian/status/1350582002454388737 - I think the [[fediverse]] has legs: https://twitter.com/flancian/status/1350436019414319145