- A [[person]]. - My [[self]] :). - in the [[Agora]]. - #go https://flancia.org - #git https://gitlab.com/flancian/flancian - #gitlab https://gitlab.com/flancian - #github https://github.com/flancian - [[matrix]] @flancian:matrix.org - [[twitter]] https://twitter.com/flancian - [[fediverse]] https://social.coop/@flancian - [[email]] 0@flancia.org - [[calendly]] https://calendly.com/flancian - [[agora]] https://anagora.org - [[garden]] https://github.com/flancian/garden - [[agora server]] - [[agora bridge]] - [[mastodon]] - [[social.coop]] https://social.coop/@flancian - [[merveilles]] https://merveilles.town/@flaneur - [[telegram]] @Flancian - [[tiktok]] https://tiktok.com/@flancian - [[ctzn]] https://ctznry.com/flancian@ctzn.one - [[anar.chi.st]] https://anar.chi.st/Flancian - [[chess]] https://chess.com/member/flancian - [[urbit]] danfen-socsum (unavailable for now, see note for more) - A [[Buddhist]]. - I try to dedicate myself [[for the benefit of all beings]]. - I also identify as a [[humanist]], [[rational]], [[liberal]], [[naturalist]], [[scientist]]. - (I prefer to [[deconstruct]] these and other [[cluster identities]] whenever it is feasible, though.) - The [[Agora]] is an [[experimental social network]] in which I try to express my integrated identity. - I practice [[open source]] and [[open ethics]] as much as I can. - This [[agora]] is, and will always be, [[free]] and [[open source]]. - I try to follow an explicit personal social [[contract]] that extends and complements that of the [[agora]]. - I try to be open with my way of living as it has an [[ethical impact]]. This includes being open about how I spend my [[time]] and [[money]]. - I work for [[Google]] as a [[site reliability engineer]]. - I was born in [[Argentina]], I live in [[Switzerland]]. - I practice [[effective altruism]]. - I am a member of [[social.coop]]. - I consider myself a [[municipalist]]. - In my [[free time]] I practice [[protopian thinking]]; I am an [[amateur utopian]]. - [[Utopias]] are a genre of [[literature]] which I'm interested in. - A [[protopia]] is an incremental [[utopia]]. - I call my [[protopia]] (our [[protopia]]!) [[Flancia]], but the name isn't important. - I am a Flancian and this [[agora]] contains my [[manifesto]]. - I intend to bring facets of [[Flancia]] into the real world, only as far as they also benefit others, without unilaterally imposing my will. - [[flancia collective]] - I'm trying to build an [[Agora]]. - There are many [[Agoras]]. This Agora is just [[an agora]]. - https://twitter.com/flancian/status/1349070105402105856 - https://twitter.com/flancian/status/1254149494209499138