- The [[agora]] sees them essentially as wikilinks in CapitalCase format (optional). - If the hashtag points to a node that is an [[action]], clicking on it will trigger the action. - [[agora bridge]] support is lagging, needs to be fixed. - [[refactoring]] -- it would be nice to have as little difference between handling a [[wikilink]] and handling a [[hashtag]] as possible. - [[rfc 3986]] means we could just link to / regardless of convention, and let [[agora server]] handle (semantic) parsing - thought of this a while, it's nice how this handles spaces by default but it mangles unicode needlessly - [[iri]] sounds better - OK, let's go, what does [[urlencode]] in [[python]] does? - actually [[quote plus]] - ``` import urllib.parse - urllib.parse.quote_plus(...) - ``` - now done for [[mastodon]] :) - opt out story needs to be improved, for now users who opt out are hardcoded in code - next up: - DONE [[matrix]] :LOGBOOK: CLOCK: [2022-05-08 Sun 18:14:10]--[2022-05-08 Sun 22:36:10] => 04:22:00 :END: - DONE [[twitter]] :LOGBOOK: CLOCK: [2022-05-08 Sun 23:29:29]--[2022-05-08 Sun 23:29:30] => 00:00:01 :END: - LATER add opt out - NOW there might be a bug? why did https://twitter.com/an_agora/status/1523407803200983040 at-mention @zeno_dox, attribute the tweet to them? hmm. :LOGBOOK: CLOCK: [2022-05-08 Sun 23:30:13] :END: - LATER [[agora server]] support, so file HashtagsAreHere.md is volunteered in node [[hashtags are here]] - LATER provide [[multi platform social feeds]] as a service :LOGBOOK: CLOCK: [2022-05-08 Sun 18:14:34] :END: - it's like the current feed code, but special cased on urls? one url per post, no matter the node source - yep I like this -> [[url feeds]]