# 2021-07-31 - I think this weekend I'm moving back to [[foam]] from Obsidian. I had issues with Foam, but I like it still, and Obsidian has its own set of issues *and* isn't open source. - One thing that Foam does really well is reuse [[vscode]] for its strength. - I will try to keep the filename convention that I set up for Obsidian: instead of slugs, filenames are [[full unicode]]. - [[push]] [[do]] - [[fix foam]] - disable [[slugs]] - always create notes on root by default - figure out whether to keep journal/ - what does [[logseq]] use? - [[agora bot]] - [[hall of mirrors]] - I need social media integration so bad, I want to get it done this weekend no matter what. I think this one I can make the time! - [[kibble]] - [[visual cortex]] - [[blind people]]