# 2021-08-13 - First Friday of summer vacations. It's gotten warm again, but it seems like weather will turn colder and rainier again over the weekend. - [[james baird]] https://twitter.com/james_d_baird/status/1372936895668322309 - [[gyuri lajos]] - told me about: - [[open sherlock]] https://github.com/sherlock-project/sherlock - [[hyperknowledge]] http://hyperknowledge.org/ - [[topic quests]] http://www.topicquests.org/ - [[image snippets]] https://imagesnippets.com/ - [[decentralized media]] - a [[panel]] - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0mwbNhmlEA&t=2906s - [[font of augurs]] - [[unfurling]] - [[ted nelson]] - [[intertwingularity]] - [[computer lib dream machines]] - [[push]] [[done]] - proofread [[teresa]] - get back to [[pesho ivanov]] - catch up with [[gyuri lajos]] - catch up with [[vera]] - catch up with [[mohammed]] - [[donate]] - [[isrg]] - [[eff]] - finish iteration on [[agora install]] - better now! - finish setting up second [[agora]] in [[patera]] - [[push]] [[patera]] - https://1.anagora.org - [[push]] [[thecla]] - https://0.anagora.org - [[yoga]] - [[earth practice]] - [[agora bridge]] - [[gardens.py]] - is now [[pull.py]] - auto creates target directory if it can - [[do]] - [[push]] [[code]] - decide whether we want autopush or not, and when it'll happen - continue working on [[url pulls]] - [[push]] [[edit]] - see [[meta]], I think this could be interesting