- Tried [[tab groups]] in vscode to handle my tab sprawl in [[foam]] and it nuked my tabs. Hit a weird bug in which it kept cycling through tabs uselessly too. Another day, another bug. - At laeast my [[foam]] is working a bit faster again after getting rid of hundreds of editors. Then again, [[wikilinki]] completion is still slow -- and I "only" have ~10k nodes so far. I fear [[foam]] will become unusable for me in a few more months unless I actively seek a fix. - Yesterday I spent a lot of time in developing the [[exec]] pattern in Agora server. With the light of another day, I wonder if I should have gone for a full client-side implementation instead for the simple things I had in mind: automatic [[wp]] subnodes pointing to the most relevant Wikipedia page for each node (when one is found through the Wikipedia API). But I still think the server-side [[exec]] pattern might come in handy, so I'll probably finish piping it through and enable a simple example. - Today I'd like to: - [[write]] - [[paula trama]] - [[code]] - continuing with the client side of [[exec]] - [[wikipedia api]] - talk to [[family]] and [[friends]] over video chat - I also need to pack for the [[offsite]]. - [[python in the browser]] - [[brython]] - [[pyodide]] - [[send it to the ceo]], a [[game]] - [[neil]] - [[vos y yo, juntos, venceremos a moloch]] - [[karl marx]] - [[scott aaronson]] - [[quantum computing since democritus]] - [[s5bug]] == [[aly]]