# 2021-12-21 - [[winter solstice]] is today! - [[one hour for the revolution]] - [[global risk]] - [[winter solstice]] is today! - [[flancia]] - [[perhaps naive]] - [[agora]] - [[forking paths]] - [[one hour for the revolution]] - [[one hour]] - [[vera]] - [[nft]] - [[brane]] cool - [[push]] [[the expanding circle]] - [[trolley problem]] shows up at least in the afterword -- interesting interplay with [[fmri]] - [[anagora]] is a device that tries to help [[people]] [[expand their circles]]. - [[node club]] - [[knowledge commons]] - [[sean mcbride]] == [[seanmcbride]] - [[vital876]] == [[vital]] - [[category]] - [[categories]] <<<<<<< HEAD - [[push]] [[2021-12-22]] - write [[perhaps naive]] - write [[the expanding circle]] - write [[knowledge commons]] ======= >>>>>>> 3c51dca78c02c1b172223462fdc7338598d32b31