# 2022-01-09 - [[push]] [[yoga]] - [[nourish]] [[23 minutes]] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1VUTQCCgdw&list=PLui6Eyny-Uzyp5P3Vcuv5qCHQOC8W6grN&index=8 - great twists! - [[rest]] [[32 minutes]] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KxlAXZUmevo&list=PLui6Eyny-Uzyp5P3Vcuv5qCHQOC8W6grN&index=9 - [[vera]] - [[daniel suarez]] - [[daemon]] https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/6665847-daemon - [[flancia]] - [[well scoped]] - [[large scope]] - [[well intentioned]] - [[alternatives]] - [[revolution]] - [[mynoise]] - [[push]] [[paul nagle]] - [[take it easy]] https://mynoise.net/NoiseMachines/paulNagleSequenceGenerator.php - [[write]] - [ ] [[commons]] - [ ] [[knowledge commons]] - [ ] [[two pomodoros for the revolution]] == [[one hour for the revolution]] - [x] [[antiflancia]] - [x] [[light]] - [[identities]] - [[omelas]] - [[the ones who walk away from omelas]] - [ ] should inherit go links - essentially [[pull]] should merge resources at action resolution time - [[do]] - [ ] improve user page in the Agora - [ ] add attribution (repo link) - [ ] sort subnodes, also link to the actual node? - [x] laundry - [x] yoga