- [[testing]] - I refreshed my [[logseq]] graph; I want to see if that makes logseq 'remember' my [[journal settings]] - it didn't :) - [[logseq]] - #card - {{cloze logseq}} test id:: 6206abd1-91e2-4263-a70d-9f0eae892977 - should work with children / be [[agora protocol]] aware? - [[my mind]] - [[flancia meet]] - [[nitter]] - [[four futures]] - [[arcologies]] - #push [[interstar]] == [[phil jones]] - #go http://thoughtstorms.info/view/PhilJones - #push [[do]] - [[autopush]] - [[autopush.sh]] - NOW children autopush to parents: [[digital gardener taxonomy]] should result in gardener descriptions being autopushed to the target nodes (children get pushed to parents) :LOGBOOK: CLOCK: [2022-02-12 Sat 16:51:21] :END: - NOW autopush: publish garden updates through ActivityPub, converges to tweeting and tooting from the [[agora]], and thus from your [[digital garden]], relatively easily? :LOGBOOK: CLOCK: [2022-02-12 Sat 18:07:17] :END: - Ideally easily self-hostable, the Agora points users in the right direction to set it up themselves? - DONE autopush: [[matrix bot]] saves stream links in the Agora like other bots :LOGBOOK: CLOCK: [2022-02-13 Sun 00:41:38]--[2022-03-02 Wed 12:55:17] => 420:13:39 :END: - NOW pull: you should be able to #pull a user, like in [[jayu]] pulling [[@Jayu]]. :LOGBOOK: CLOCK: [2022-02-12 Sat 16:50:58] :END: - that would mean transcluding their README -- it seems to imply specific-subnode-transclusion, and I've been meaning to do that for a time - it could also be an embedding of the full user page, to get the special code running there as well (like repo information). - [[knowledge federation]] - [[revoluciĆ³n]] == [[revolution]] - [[buchbinderei]] - #push [[thought storms]] == [[thoughtstorms]] - by [[interstar]] - #go http://thoughtstorms.info/view/AboutThisWiki - [[sauna thoughts]] - [[shower thoughts]] - [[yoga]] - did [[go/move]] day 12 again, enjoyed it lots ([[focus]]) - [[x with y]]