- [[braids]] + [[dust theory]] == [[?]] - [[samatha]] - DONE [[opt in]] in [[agora bot]]: :LOGBOOK: CLOCK: [2022-05-18 Wed 11:30:02]--[2022-05-22 Sun 01:10:25] => 85:40:23 :END: [[twitter]] [[mastodon]] - TODO auto pull wp in empty nodes - TODO stop responding to hashtags in moa party - [[work]] - DONE stuff :) :LOGBOOK: CLOCK: [2022-05-18 Wed 14:30:08]--[2022-05-18 Wed 23:31:45] => 09:01:37 :END: - [[flancia]] - I used to take Wednesdays off quite often to spend on Flancia -- but haven't for a while. there's a lot to do at work and I need to catch up. - Looking forward to getting back into it! - DONE I'll at least try to finish with work early tonight. :LOGBOOK: CLOCK: [2022-05-18 Wed 23:31:02]--[2022-05-18 Wed 23:31:03] => 00:00:01 :END: - I *stopped* work early -- then worked some more in the night :) it felt nice at times, I wanted to catch up, not optimal but worth it I think - [[mathew lowry]] - it was great meeting him! - very interesting experience consulting - [[myhub]] is very interesting and seems to have a lot of potential overlap with the [[agora]] - [[pipeline]] design, with inboxes leading through processing/selection steps and then publishing to feeds which are consumed by other people as inputs - - [[frijof capra]] - [[capra course]] - [[episode 8]] was a banger - [[episode 9]] is relevant for [[agora]] and also for [[work]] - [[communities of practice]]