- The second half of 2022 has just started. - Let's roll? - I keep thinking of the loving kindness [[revolution]], I think it's just around the corner honestly. - [[neil]] - [[todd]] - [[vera]] - [[paleoludic]] - [[jz]] - [[ladee]] - [[aldhari]] - [[ex]] - [[maya]] - [[beautiful]] - [[los ojos verdes de lady burup]] - [[los ojos negros]] - #push [[a very high dimensional space]] - [[the universe]] - [[recuerdos de coroico]] - [[violeta parra]] - [[pomodoros]] - [x] merge prs - moved to arrows, same line with edit/view - [ ] ui improvements - move to light mode by default - get rid of full file paths for subnodes! - [ ] start working on integrating the [[flight]] branch - [ ] next step for [[shamanic agora]] - [ ] plan weekend - [ ] [[help aldhari]] - I posted some ideas in [[flancia collective]]